Baseline diet of an urban carnivore on an expanding range front

Abstract For the past 200 years, coyotes have steadily expanded their range eastward from the Midwestern USA. They have successfully colonized the contiguous landscape east of the Mississippi River and have been documented on Long Island, New York since 2009 with successful breeding confirmed in 2016. Occupying a diverse array of habitat types along the way, […]

Mianus River Gorge Awarded Stewardship & Resource Management Grant

The Riparian Corridor Restoration grant project is supported with funding from the New York State Conservation Partnership Program (NYSCPP) and New York’s Environmental Protection Fund. The NYSCPP is administered by the Land Trust Alliance, in coordination with the state Department of Environmental Conservation. The Mianus River and its tributaries form a riparian corridor that is […]

Lower Hudson PRISM Partnership

The Mianus River Gorge is one of over 50 partners across the region that make up the Lower Hudson Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM). The mission of this partnership is to protect the rich biodiversity and ecosystems of the Lower Hudson region through partnerships and collaborations that focus on controlling the introduction, spread, […]

WTP Bobcat Project

MRG has begun another wildlife study, this time on bobcats. WTP researcher Jenna Lombino (White Plains HS) has set up several video camera traps in the Preserve to obtain high-res video clips of bobcats. Jenna’s objective is to be able to identify individual bobcats based on fur and spot patterns. In this area of their […]

Join the Anable Society

When we first came to Mount Kisco in 1958, a resident professional naturalist, Stanley Grierson, led a group of us through the Gorge in spring. I remember that we went all the way to Havemeyer Falls at the head of the reservoir. We had no idea until then that such beautiful wilderness existed here in […]

Responsible Outdoor Recreation During COVID-19

Follow some simple rules to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 Refrain from visiting the preserve if you are exhibiting symptoms. If the parking lot is full or people are congregating, choose a different park or preserve, or choose another day and time to visit. Visit in small groups limited to immediate household members. Keep […]

Coyotes of Gotham

Chris Nagy, Ph.D., presented his talk, “Coyotes of Gotham,” via Zoom to enthusiastic participants at the Harris Center for Conservation Education on August 28, 2020. Click here to enjoy Chris’s talk. Checking the camera traps

Forested Riparian Corridor Restoration

The Mianus River and its tributaries form a riparian corridor that is vital for wildlife and whose health and function contribute to a clean drinking water supply for over one hundred thousand. MRG aims to repair and improve the functional ability of this riparian buffer to filter and prevent water contamination by removing detrimental invasive […]

The Young Forest

The final component of the Save the Hemlocks initiative is to improve the health and buffering ability of the younger forest that surrounds the Mianus River Gorge old-growth forest. Mianus River Gorge Preserve (MRGP) is a linear preserve and past agricultural activities came very close to the core old-growth forest. As pasturelands and farm fields […]

An Old-Growth Forest in our Midst

Perhaps you know that part of Mianus River Gorge’s mission is to “protect over 1,000 acres … including one of the last stands of old-growth forest in the northeast US.”  But what exactly is an old-growth forest, and why is it so important?  “Old-growth forest is a structurally complex forest, hundreds of years old, that […]