Lloyd Gerry finds a hike in Mianus River Gorge Preserve to be a unique and awe-inspiring experience. It’s hard to believe this beautiful natural resource is in the midst of such a populated area. Lloyd is inspired by the living history of the ancient hemlocks found in the old-growth forest and admires the work being […]
Turtle Monitoring
Mianus River Gorge partners with conservation organizations throughout the region to survey breeding populations of box turtles and wood turtles. These species are on the special concern list for New York State. Populations in Westchester have been decimated by habitat loss and fragmentation; lack of protected nesting sites; and illegal collecting, much of it for […]
Spotted Lanternfly Biology
The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect that has recently made its way to the Mianus River Gorge. Native to China, the spotted lanternfly was first discovered in the US in 2014, but was not detected at the Gorge until 2022. The spotted lanternfly has now been seen in at least 14 states, primarily in […]
Meet Tim Morris, Fierke Lab, Department of Environmental and Forest Biology SUNY ESF In the summer of 2016, I was lucky to intern at MRG where I was exposed to the basics of conducting field experiments and hands-on research regarding invasive species. That experience helped shape my academic trajectory. The work with invasive species lead […]
RAP Update
MRG’s Research Assistantship Program (RAP) awards grants to graduate students in ecology, environmental science, and conservation who are doing field studies for their M.S. or Ph.D. The awards offer $10,000 over two years for Master’s degree candidates and $15,000 over three years for Ph.D.’s. We currently have two Ph.D. students in the program, Andy Cortese […]
Year-End Matching Donation Challenge
Mianus River Gorge has received a year-end matching donation challenge that makes your gift twice as impactful. Every dollar we receive through December 31st will be matched up, to $25,000! Please make a donation today! If you’ve already given, thank you very much. If you are able to give another gift to help us get […]
Hemlocks 2023
MRG inoculated another 1,000 eastern hemlock trees against the hemlock woolly adelgid and hemlock scale in 2023. Click here to view a video that walks you through the hemlock forest. With your help, Mianus River Gorge can continue the important work of preventing the demise of this diverse forest that supports rare wildflowers, over 100 […]
Mianus Minutes
Fall 2023 We put together a snapshot of some of the projects, partnerships, and new initiatives we have been working on. Click here.
As we near the end of the year, we reflect on how much your support means to the Mianus River Gorge today and every day. If you’ve already donated, we sincerely thank you for your support. If not, we’ll let the words “Giving Tuesday” serve as a reminder that Mianus River Gorge needs your help […]