Volunteers Making a Difference

It takes a great deal of effort to maintain the Mianus River Gorge and Taylor Preserves and their trails for visitors. MRG staff does what it can, but the stewardship staff is small. That’s why it is so important to have volunteers to help, particularly early in the season when we are cleaning up from winter storms and strong winds. Prior to opening on April 1, four volunteers helped prepare the parking areas and trails for public use. They worked really hard and we truly appreciate their efforts. We also held a well-attended Volunteer Day on Saturday, April 10. Nearly 30 people, including neighbors and local scouts, worked on putting up fences around the parking lot, installing steps and waterbars on steep sections of the trail, and cleaning up trash along the roadside bordering the Preserve. Nick Psaras, a scout from Troop 73 in White Plains, also began his Eagle Scout Project at the Preserve on April 10. His objectives are to reconstruct the right side of the map shelter and to update the kiosk. Both structures will get new cedar shingles and paint, and the water pump will also get a facelift. Although a lot of work is done with the help of volunteers, there are additional costs for materials and staff time to lead these activities. Please consider placing a donation in the bright red donation box the next time you are at the Preserve or visit our web site for other ways to donate. Thank you for helping us keep the Preserves functional and beautiful for public use.

Posted in Stewardship & Land Management, Uncategorized.