Good News!

Good news! Fresh growth on the ancient hemlock trees indicates that, after two rounds of spraying for hemlock woolly adelgid, MRG’s treatment strategy is working. The health of these hemlocks is vital. Hemlocks help keep the Mianus River–a drinking water supply– clean and cool for the people and wildlife that depend on it. Today, we […]

College Internship in Suburban Ecology 2024

Landon Highbloom and Emily Valenti, students engaged in MRG’s College Internship in Suburban Ecology, are getting hands-on experience in trail stewardship and riparian corridor restoration at the same time. They are planting over 100 wetland plants along stream edges. The white turtlehead, cardinal flower, and blue lobelia were all grown in MRG’s restoration garden. MRG’s […]

Spotlight on Research and Education, Summer 2024

July 2024 MRG high-school researchers present their work at the 2024 Northeast Natural History Conference Two of our graduating seniors in our Wildlife Technician Program presented their completed research at the 2024 Northeast Natural History Conference in April. Alex Thompson (Blind Brook HS) gave a lecture on his study of frogs in several wetlands and […]

Redevelopment of the Havemeyer Falls Spur Trail

Ever since Mianus River Gorge Preserve opened to the public, Havemeyer Falls has been a destination for hikers ambitious enough to put in the extra effort to visit it. Located approximately two miles from the trailhead, the beauty of Havemeyer Falls on a spring morning is rarely replicated in our region. However, the path leading […]

Fire as a Control Method for Invasive Plants

Fire as a Control Method for Invasive Plants As our climate changes, plants and animals shift their distributions by colonizing and establishing new territory to find suitable microclimates that allow them to persist and producing offspring to continue the process. The problem is that this process takes time, often generations; and the process is complicated […]

Winter Trail Rest Dec. 1 to Apr. 1

Trails are Closed for their Winter Rest December 1 to April 1 Ever since 1986 the preserve has been closed to hikers for its winter trail rest to prevent the Gorge from being loved to death. We all know the damage caused by uncontrolled visitation in some of our state and national parks. Overuse of […]

Spotted Lanternfly

Intro to SLF The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect that has recently made its way to the Mianus River Gorge and surrounding areas. Native to China, the spotted lanternfly was first discovered in the US in Pennsylvania in 2014, but was not detected at the Gorge until 2022. Just one year after their arrival, […]

Spotted Lanternfly Biology

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect that has recently made its way to the Mianus River Gorge. Native to China, the spotted lanternfly was first discovered in the US in 2014, but was not detected at the Gorge until 2022. The spotted lanternfly has now been seen in at least 14 states, primarily in […]

Year-End Matching Donation Challenge

Mianus River Gorge has received a year-end matching donation challenge that makes your gift twice as impactful. Every dollar we receive through December 31st will be matched up, to $25,000! Please make a donation today! If you’ve already given, thank you very much. If you are able to give another gift to help us get […]

Hemlocks 2023

MRG inoculated another 1,000 eastern hemlock trees against the hemlock woolly adelgid and hemlock scale in 2023. Click here to view a video that walks you through the hemlock forest. With your help, Mianus River Gorge can continue the important work of preventing the demise of this diverse forest that supports rare wildflowers, over 100 […]