Michael Rosenthal

Wildlife Tech Class of 2012John Jay High School Project: Evaluation Passive Methods for Estimating Coyote Density: Will They Work? Project Status: Completed Project Description: Until recently, accurate estimation of animal abundance was thought to only be possible if researchers could mark or otherwise individually identify some portion of the population through time. Recent work by […]

Nate Mortarano

Wildlife Tech Class of 2012Briarcliff High School Project: Investigating Changes in the Mianus River Gorge Songbird Community from 2005 to 2010 Project Status: Completed Project Description: Nate is continuing the songbird survey work begun by Christina Caragine a few years ago. He and his RAP mentor, Rachel Bricklin, has improved upon Christina’s methodology and has […]

Sheila Saia

2011 RAP Award Cornell University – Doctoral Candidate Phosphate Accumulating Organisms Under Natural Conditions Excessive phosphates can be detrimental to water ecology and water quality. Phosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) exist in soils under natural conditions and can remove excessive phosphates. Sheila’s research will seek to understand how PAO are distributed in our watershed and how […]

Suzanne Clemente

Pace University – Master’s Candidate Daily and Seasonal Activity Patterns of Coyotes in New York City ParksBiodiversity of New York City Parks Suzanne is cooperating with us on the Gotham Coyote Project.  She was the main field worker in our 2012 season, collecting more than 14,000 pictures of wildlife in New York City Parks over […]

Rachel Bricklin

2010 RAP Award Fordham University – Doctoral Candidate Impact of Fragmentation on Migratory Birds Birds can act as important environmental indicators, seed dispersers, and insect predators. Rachel’s ongoing research will provide new information about migratory bird stopover ecology to help better manage urban and suburban green spaces for species of concern.

LTA Accreditation

In August 2010, the Mianus River Gorge Preserve was awarded Land Trust Accreditation Status by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission of the Land Trust Alliance. This distinction signifies that the Gorge met national quality standards in nonprofit management and land conservation and that the Gorge has systems in place to keep its promise of permanent […]

Steve Brady

2009 RAP Award Yale University – Doctoral Candidate Road Salt Impact on Amphibians Run-off from roads brings salts (and other toxins) into wetland ecosystems that can have a negative effect on reproduction and survival of amphibian life. Steve’s research will develop a clearer understanding of how amphibians adapt to road salts. This will help managers […]

Michael O’Brien

2008 RAP Award SUNY ESF – Doctoral Candidate Symbiotic Relationships of Fungi and Hemlock In order to buffer our old-growth hemlock forests, MRG managers would like to promote the establishment of hemlocks in some of our younger forest stands that were previously farmland and pasture. Mike’s research examined how hemlock seedling growth is related to […]

Linda Gormezano

2007 RAP Award CUNY – Doctoral Candidate Genetic Monitoring of Coyotes Eastern coyotes are physically and genetically different from their western counterpart, due to hybridization with wolves as they moved into the area from the north. In this noninvasive study, Linda uses a Dutch Shephard detection dog is find naturally deposited coyote scat which is […]