What a long winter it’s been! We’re still working hard to clear the trails of debris from the most recent Nor’easter. Not only that, there is a lot of snow in the woods that hasn’t yet melted. We’ll give the trails another week to dry out a little bit and plan to welcome you on […]
Application period for 2018 RAP grant now open
The application periods for our 2018 Research Assistantship Program (RAP) for graduate students has begun. Each year, MRG awards a RAP grant to fund a graduate-level study that investigates environmental challenges in urban and suburban ecosystems. RAP students are awarded a grant of $5,000/yr for two (Master’s) or three (Doctoral) years. More info and the […]
Old-Growth Forest Walk
After a morning of solid rain on Sunday, May 6, the weather was accommodating for the afternoon’s Old-Growth Forest Walk led by MRG Executive Director Rod Christie. Participants were guided through a portion of the Preserve not regularly open to the public to learn about what makes the old-growth forest in Mianus River Gorge Preserve […]
Applications for 2018 Summer Interns
The application periods for our 2018 College Internship in Suburban Ecology (CISE) for undergrads has begun. The CISE program offers summer or semester internships to college students and recent graduates who are interested in learning about the unique challenges facing urban/suburban natural resource managers. Through a variety of research and land management projects, interns are […]
CUNY TV Science & U
CUNY TV Science & U! Season 7/Episode 5: January 2018 “There are a few New York City residents that didn’t come by plane, train, or automobile, they just walked here. Carol Anne Riddell discovers coyotes living in the city and what biologists have been able to learn from their DNA.” Chris Nagy, Ph.D., is featured in […]
What We’re Working on this Winter …
What We’re Working on this Winter … Executive Director Rod Christie is always thinking about land conservation and protection in and around the Mianus River Watershed. This winter, two conservation easements added nine more acres to the land we protect and another 14 acres will be added in February through donations and acquisitions. Rod continues […]
MRG is Grateful for Your Help
2017 has been a very productive year at Mianus River Gorge. Supported by generous donors like you, we have been able to continue our work to preserve and protect the land that comprises the watershed surrounding the Mianus River. MRG recently completed two important restoration projects funded by Westchester Community Foundation, Land Trust Alliance, Patagonia, […]
Bear Event January 10
Wednesday, January 10, 7pm, Lecture: Bears in Your Backyard with Mianus River Gorge’s Preserve Manager Budd Veverka at the Katonah Village Library. Join Bedford Audubon for an in-depth look at a potential new arrival to backyards around our region, black bears. Budd’s long-time study of the species and first-hand experience along with his outgoing and […]
Accredited Land Trust
Accredited land trusts demonstrate adherence to the highest national standards for sound finances, ethical conduct, responsible governance, and lasting stewardship, which make an accredited land trust a sound investment. Accredited land trusts are high-impact organizations and, over a five year period, show the following achievements as compared to eligible land trusts that are not yet […]
Winter Walk at Twin Lakes
Winter Walk at Twin Lakes Sunday, December 3, 2017, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. On the final 2017 walk of our series exploring properties not normally open to the public, we will explore the Twin Lakes management unit of MRG, a small hilltop Preserve overlooking one of the twin lakes with distant views to the […]