MRG inoculated another 1,000 eastern hemlock trees against the hemlock woolly adelgid and hemlock scale in 2023.
Click here to view a video that walks you through the hemlock forest.
With your help, Mianus River Gorge can continue the important work of preventing the demise of this diverse forest that supports rare wildflowers, over 100 species of birds and over 30 species of mammals. As a donor to the “save the hemlocks campaign,” you will help protect one of the most diverse ecosystems in the region. Please consider a gift today that will have tremendous impact on every aspect of the forest ecosystem and ensure that it survives for future generations to enjoy. Click here to donate.
Visit to learn more about the NYS hemlock initiative.
Click here for further details about the importance of hemlocks, threats to the forest, and the strategy Mianus River Gorge is implementing to save this irreplaceable treasure.