The Northeast Natural History Conference is a regional forum for researchers, natural resource managers, students, and naturalists to present current information on the varied aspects of applied field biology and natural history.
MRG staff and students were disappointed not to be able to attend the 2020 Northeast Natural History conference due to COVID-19. This year, the 2021 Northeast Natural History Conference will take place virtually from April 15-18.

Six high school students in MRG’s award-winning Wildlife Technician Program (WTP) will be “attending” the conference, along with their mentors Chris Nagy and Budd Veverka. They will present posters and talks highlighting the ecology projects they’ve been working on both in the Mianus River Gorge Preserve and from their virtual classrooms.
MRG staff scientists mentor high school students enrolled in the WTP over the course of three years, helping them learn an array of skills that prepares them for the next level of study.
To learn more about the Wildlife Technician Program, please visit the Research & Education tab on our website or call (914) 234-3455.
Students at a previous conference. This year’s is virtual.