Buffers for Beauty
As a neighbor, Mianus River Gorge works to protect the land and water sources within our shared watershed. A big part of our efforts are currently focused on the banks of the Mianus River and surrounding wetlands, and working with private landowners like you to protect them.
With an understanding of your desire to enjoy the river, balanced with our mission to protect it, the plan, Buffers for Beauty, is mutually beneficial.
By strategically planting a beautiful display of flowering plants, you can maintain a view of the water while buffering the edge to lessen the ill effects of runoff, congregating geese, grass clippings, and other activities detrimental to the health of the waterway.
Click here for examples of the native plants listed in the Buffers for Beauty brochure and click here for pictures of them. We look forward to working with you to protect our waterways.