Scientific Journals

Cortese, AM, TM Horton. 2024. Ectomycorrhizal tree islands in arbuscular mycorrhizal forests: Hotspots of fungal inoculum important for seedling establishment of historically dominant trees. Journal of Ecology

Burton, A.C., Beirne, C., Gaynor, K.M. et al. Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nat Ecol Evol 8, 924–935 (2024).

Shamon, Hila, Roi Maor, Michael V. Cove, Roland Kays, Jessie Adley, Peter D. Alexander, David N. Allen, et al. 2024. “SNAPSHOT USA 2021: A Third Coordinated National Camera Trap Survey of the United States.” Ecology e4318.

Cortese AM, Horton TR. Islands in the shade: scattered ectomycorrhizal trees influence soil inoculum and heterospecific seedling response in a northeastern secondary forest. Mycorrhiza. 2023 Mar;33(1-2):33-44.

Nicholas J. Dietschler, Tonya D. Bittner, Nina G. Devine, Albert Mayfield III, Carrie Preston, Ryan S. Crandall, James Parkman, Zachary Simek, Biff Thompson, Matthew E. Lonsdale, Budd Veverka, Joseph S. Elkinton, Scott M. Salom, Mark C. Whitmore. 2023. Overwintering diapause and survival of western Leucotaraxis argenticollis, a promising biological control agent for Adelges tsugae, in the eastern United States, Biological Control, Volume 182.

Gajewski Z, Johnson LR, Medina D, Crainer WW, Nagy CM, Belden LK. 2023. Skin bacterial community differences among three species of co-occurring Ranid frogs. PeerJ 11:e15556

Caragiulo A, Gaughran SJ, Duncan N, Nagy C, Weckel M, vonHoldt BM. Coyotes in New York City Carry Variable Genomic Dog Ancestry and Influence Their Interactions with Humans. Genes. 2022; 13(9):1661.

Henger CS, Hargous E, Nagy CM, Weckel M, Wultsch C, Krampis K, Duncan N, Gormezano L, Munshi-South J. 2022. DNA metabarcoding reveals that coyotes in New York City consume wide variety of native prey species and human food. PeerJ 10:e13788

Kays, Roland, Cove, Michael V., Diaz, Jose, Todd, Kimberly, Bresnan, Claire, Snider, Matt, Lee, Thomas E., et al. 2022. “ SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A Second Coordinated National Camera Trap Survey of the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Ecology 103( 10): e3775.

Bradfield AA, Nagy CM, Weckel M, Lahti DC and Habig B. 2022. Predictors of Mammalian Diversity in the New York Metropolitan Area. Front. Ecol. Evol. 10:903211. doi:

Hubbard, T., Cove, M.V., Green, A.M. et al. 2022. Human presence drives bobcat interactions among the U.S. carnivore guild. Biodiversity and Conservation.

Nagy, C., C. Ng, B. Veverka, M. Weckel. 2022. Assessment of a 15-year white-tailed deer management program and woody recovery in a suburban forest preserve. Forest Ecology and Management 503: 119748. (Click here for Dr. Nagy’s interview with H2H RCP.)

Cove, M. V., et al. 2021. SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology 102( 6):e03353. 10.1002/ecy.3353

N Duncan, O Asher, M Weckel, C Nagy, C Henger, F Yau, L Gormanzano. 2020. Baseline diet of an urban carnivore on an expanding range front, Journal of Urban Ecology, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2020

Carol S. Henger ,Giselle A. Herrera, Christopher M. Nagy, Mark E. Weckel, Linda J. Gormezano,Claudia Wultsch, Jason Munshi-South, 2020. Genetic diversity and relatedness ofa recently established population of Eastern coyotes (Canis latrans) in NewYork City. Urban Ecosystems, DOI:

Emily A. Stephan and Theodore A. Endreny. Weighting Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pixel Pollutant Loads to Represent Runoff and Buffering Likelihoods

A.L. DeCandia, Henger, C.S., Krause, A., Gormezano, L.J., Weckel, M., Nagy, C., Munshi-South, J., vonHoldt, B.M. 2019. Genetics of urban colonization: neutral and adaptive variation in coyotes (Canis latrans) inhabiting the New York metropolitan area. Journal of Urban Ecology, Volume 5, Issue 1, 1 January 2019.

Nagy, C., M. Weckel, J. Monzon, N. Duncan, M.R. Rosenthal. 2017. Initial colonization of Long Island, New York by the eastern coyote Canis latrans (Carnivora, Canidae), including first record of breeding. Checklist 13(6): 901-907.

Bricklin, R.B., Thomas, E.M., Lewis, J.D., and Clark, J.A. 2016. Foraging Birds during Migratory Stopovers in the New York Metropolitan Area: Associations with Native and Non-native Plants. Urban Naturalist, No. 11 (2016).

Nagy, C.M., C. Koestner, S. Clemente, and M. Weckel. 2016. Occupancy and Breeding Status of Coyotes in New York City Parks, 2011 to 2014. Urban Naturalist, No. 9 (2016): 1–16.

Weckel, M., D. A. Bogan, R. L. Burke, C. Nagy, W.F. Siemer, T. Green, and N. Mitchell. 2015. Coyotes go “bridge and tunnel”: a narrow opportunity to study the socio-ecological impacts of coyote range expansion on Long Island, NY pre- and post-arrival.. Cities and the Environment 8.

Munshi-South, J. and C. Nagy. 2014. Urban park characteristics, genetic variation, and historical demography of white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) populations in New York City. PeerJ 2:e310

Weckel M., and R.F. Rockwell. 2013. Can controlled bow hunts reduce overabundant white-tailed deer populations in suburban ecosystems? Ecological Modeling 250, 143-154.

Nagy, C. and R.F. Rockwell. 2013. Occupancy patterns of eastern screech owls in urban parks of New York City and southern Westchester County, NY, USA. Journal of Natural History.

Nagy, C., M. Weckel, A. Toomey, C.E. Burns, J. Peltz. 2012. Validation of a Citizen Science-Based Model of Coyote Occupancy with Camera Traps in Suburban and Urban New York, USA Wildlife Biology in Practice Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012).

Nagy, C., K. Bardwell, R. Rockwell, R. Christie, M. Weckel. 2012. Validation of a Citizen Science-Based Model of Site Occupancy for Eastern Screech Owls with Systematic Data in Suburban New York and Connecticut. Northeastern Naturalist 19: 143-158.

Nagy, C., R. F. Rockwell. 2012. Identification of Individual Eastern Screech-Owls (Megascops asio) via Vocalization Analysis. Bioacoustics Journal, Volume 21.

Brady, S. 2012. Road to Evolution? Local Adaptation to Road Adjacency in an Amphibian (Ambystoma maculatum). Scientific Reports 235.

Weckel, M., R. F. Rockwell, F. Secret. 2011. A modification of Jacobsen et al. (1997) individual branch-antlered male method for censusing white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35: 445-451.

Weckel, M., R. F. Rockwell, A. Wincorn. 2011. The sustainability of controlled archery programs: the motivation and satisfaction of suburban hunters. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35: 330-337.

Shelly, R., McAllister C., Nagy C., Weckel M., Christie R., Wilson P., Wilson A. 2011. Distribution of the American millipede genus Boraria Chamberlin, 1943: Introductions of B. stricta (Brolemann,1896) in New York and B. infesta (Chamberlin, 1918) in Connecticut; indigenous occurrence of B. profuga (Causey, 1955) in Louisiana (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae). Insecta Mundi  0194.

O’Brien, M., C. E. Gomola, and T. R. Horton. 2011. The effect of forest soil and community composition on ectomycorrhizal colonization and seedling growth. Plant and Soil 341: 321-331

Weckel, M., D. Mack, C. Nagy, R. Christie, and A. Wincorn. 2010. Using citizen science to map human-coyote interaction in suburban New York, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 1163-1171

Nagy, C., S. Aschen, R. Christie, and M. Weckel. 2009. Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum), a nonnative invasive grass, provides alternative habitat for native frogs in a suburban forest. Urban Habitats 6

Pouyat, R., I. Yesilonis, K. Szlavecz, C. Csuzdi, E. Hornung, Z. Korsos, J. Russell-Anelli, V. Giorgio. 2008. Response of forest soil properties to urbanization gradients in three metropolitan areas. Landscape Ecology (2008) 23:1187-1203.

Weckel, M., J. Tirpak, C. Nagy, R. Christie. 2006. Structural and compositional changes in an old-growth eastern hemlock Tsuga canadensis forest, 1965-2004. Forest Ecology and Management 231 (2006) 114-118.

Pouyat, R., W. Turechek. 2003. Short- and long-term effect of site factors on net N-mineralization and nitrification rates along an urban-rural gradient. Urban Ecosystems, 5:159-178, 2001.

Kostel-Hughes, F., T. Young, M. Carreiro. 1998. Forest leaf litter quantity and seedling occurrence along an urban-rural gradient. Urban Ecosystems, 1998, 2, 263-278.

Harris, R., 1992. Cladonia petrophila, a New Species from Eastern North America. Brittonia, Vol 44, No. 3.

Georgian, T., J. Thorp. 1992. Effects of Microhabitat Selection on Feeding Rates of Net-Spinning Caddisfly Larvae. Ecology, Vol. 73, No. 1.

Prince, C.R., 1978. Lichens of Westchester County, New York. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. 105, No. 1 (Jan-Mar 1978).

Bard, Gily E. 1967. The Woody Vegetation of the Mature Forest of the Mianus River Gorge Preserve. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. 94, No. 4.

Goodwin, R.H., The Nature Conservancy Preserves. 1961. AIBS Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1.