Just off the trail, a small moss-covered building has sat secluded behind deer fencing and mostly un-noticed by visitors. The building has been used for storage for many years.
The new Gateway to the Gorge project presented an opportunity to develop this building for our visitors. Enter Natalie Desforges of Pound Ridge, a scout from local ScoutBSA Troop 301 who wanted to undertake an Eagle Scout project at Mianus River Gorge where she has previously volunteered many times.
Natalie worked with Director of Land Management Budd Veverka to develop a project to redesigned the structure into a wildlife viewing pavilion and informational kiosk along a newly constructed nature trail. Natalie worked with other Gorge staff to design interpretive panels for this pavilion like those currently in our Map Shelter.

In July, Natalie’s design for the building became a reality. She organized work days, recruited volunteers, and lead the team of staff and volunteers who helped complete this ambitious project. The volunteers cleaned out the building, opened two walls, made large louvered windows in the other two walls, built a fenced enclosure for bird feeders, and repainted the building inside and out. The wildlife pavilion will open to visitors next spring.