The Anable Society Planned Giving Pledge Form

MRG established The Anable Society in memory of Gloria Anable and to honor those who have furthered the mission of the Mianus River Gorge by indicating a bequest. Planned Giving Intention: To demonstrate my/our commitment to support the Mianus River Gorge mission to preserve, protect and promote the natural heritage of the Mianus River watershed through land acquisition, scientific research and public education in perpetuity in my/our estate plans.

"*" indicates required fields

(Please list names as you wish them to appear in the Anable Society materials/listings)
I (we) prefer to make this planned gift anonymously.
My future gift for Mianus River Gorge:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name: Mianus River Gorge, Inc.
Address: 167 Mianus River Road, Bedford, NY 10506

Telephone: 914-234-3455 

Federal Tax Identification Number: 13-3523329

Contact: Leslie Zachary, Director of Development
Email:    Phone: 914-234-3455

Completion of this form is not intended to be legally binding. This form is notification of intent. Please discuss your planned giving intentions with your professional advisor. Mianus River Gorge is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and contributions are deductible to the extent allowable by law. Unless your planned gift is specifically restricted, Mianus River Gorge’s executive leadership and board of directors will determine the best use of your generous contribution including possible use in a match fund, capital campaign or endowment.